PhD                 University of California, Riverside

                        Critical Dance Studies

                        Dissertation - Gaga as Politics: A Case Study of Contemporary Dance Training

                        June 2016

BA                   Marymount Manhattan College

                        Dance, English

                        2011, Magna Cum Laude



Kennesaw State University

Assistant Professor, Department of Dance

2017-18      Dance History I

                        Dance in Society (Online)

                        Senior Seminar

Lecturer, Department of Dance

2016-17        Dance History I

                        Dance History II

                        Dance in Society (Online)

                        Senior Seminar

                        Analysis and Criticism of Dance

                        Contemporary Concert Dance Survey


Santa Ana College

Adjunct Faculty, Dance Department

2015-16         Dance History and Appreciation                                                           


University of California, Riverside

Writing Workshop Graduate Student Instructor, Writing Across the Curriculum Program

2015                Dance Cultures and Contexts

2016                The Historian’s Workshop

Graduate Student Instructor, University Writing Program

2014                Beginning Composition                                                                                          

2015                Intermediate Composition                                                                   

Teaching Assistant, Department of Dance

2013                Dance Cultures and Contexts (Online)

2013                Introduce to Dance (Studio)

2012-13       Dance Cultures and Contexts (Writing Intensive)

Teaching Assistant, Department of Ethnic Studies

2012                    Introduction to Race and Ethnicity                                                            



2021                “The Cultural Politics of Practicing Israeli-ness in Gaga,” in Oxford Handbook on Jewishness and Dance in Contemporary Perspective, edited by Naomi Jackson, Rebecca Pappas, and Toni Shapiro-Phim. Oxford University Press.

2021 “The Economic Politics of Pleasure,” in The Bloomsbury Handbook of Dance and Philosophy, edited by Rebecca L. Farinas and Julie C. Van Camp. Bloomsbury Academic.

2019.    “Freedom to Compete: Neoliberal Contradictions in Gaga Intensives,” in Oxford Handbook of Dance and Competition, edited by Sherril Dodds. Oxford University Press. 928-958.

2017                “Gaga as Metatechnique: Negotiating Choreography, Improvisation, and Technique in a Neoliberal Dance Market.” Dance Research Journal. 49(2): 26-43.

2017                “Moving in Solidarity: Thinking Through the Physicality of Recent Protests.”  The Dancer-Citizen. Issue 4, Spring 2017. Co-authored with Natalie Zervou.

2016                “Abstractions of Whiteness in Downtown Los Angeles: Ate9’s Kelev Lavan.” TDR/The Drama Review. 60(3): 171-7.

2016               “Boycotting Bodies: The Politics of Practice and Performance.” Congress on Research in Dance Conference Proceedings. 315-322.



2017-18            International Community Engagement Grant: Division of Global Affairs, Kennesaw State University

2017                The Mellon School of Theater and Performance Research Fellow - 2017 session on Research, Pedagogy, Activism:  Harvard University, June 2017

2017                Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Travel Grant:  Kennesaw State University, June 2017

2015                Dissertation Year Program Award: Graduate Division, UCR (Fall 2015-Winter 2016)

2015                Mellon Dance Studies in/and the Humanities Seminar Fellow: Northwestern University (Summer 2015)

2015                Department of Dance Dissertation Research Grant: Department of Dance, UCR (Summer 2015)

2015                Graduate Dean’s Dissertation Research Grant: Graduate Division, UCR (Spring 2015)

2014                Humanities Graduate Student Research Grant: Center for Ideas and Society, UCR (Summer 2014)

2012-15       Gluck Move More Fellow: Gluck Program for the Arts, UCR (Fall 2012, Fall 2013, Fall 2014)

2011-15       Chancellor’s Distinguished Fellow: Graduate Division, UCR (Fall 2011-Spring 2016)



2017                Dancing Politics: Strategies of Embodied Engagement. (Performative talk in collaboration with Natalie Zervou)

                        Friday Forums, Dance Department – University of Wisconsin, Madison (April 14)

2017                Guest Lecture: Gender in Gaga

                        Dancing Gender: Embodiment, Politics and Feminist Theory - UW Madison

2016                Guest Lecture: Boycotting Dance / Protesting Dance

                        Political and Cultural Perspectives in Dance Studies - UW Madison



2017                The “People” In Gaga/People Classes: Ordinary Bodies?

                        Atlanta, GA: American Society for Theatre Research (November 16-19)

2017                Embodying the Israeli-ness of Gaga: Challenging Universalist Rhetorics of Individualism

                        Columbus, OH: Dance Studies Association (October 19-22)

2017                Embodying Gender in Gaga Classes

                        Atlanta, GA: Southeast Women’s Studies Association 2017 (March 23-25)

2016                The Economic Politics of Pleasure in Gaga

                        Texas State University: Engagement - Philosophy and Dance (September 8-10)

2015                Writing Dance: Mutual Benefits for Dance Courses in Writing Across the Curriculum

                        UC Riverside: University of California Council of Writing Programs (October 16)

2015                The Glocalization of Gaga

                        Clemson University: ASAP/7 (September 24-7)

2015                Boycotting Bodies: The Politics of Practice and Performance

                         Athens, Greece: CORD/SDHS 2015 (June 4-7)

2015                Boycotting Bodies: The Politics of Practice and Performance

                        UC Riverside: Dance Under Construction Graduate Student Conference (April 10-11)

2014                Reading Gaga: Danced and Discursive ‘Freedoms’

                        University of Iowa: CORD/SDHS 2014 (November 13-16)

2013                Affective Politics of Pleasure in Gaga Classrooms

                        Northwestern University: Performance Studies Conference (October 11-13)

2013                Glocalizing Hip Hop: Palestinians Breaking in the Gaza Strip

                        UCLA: Dance Under Construction/CORD Special Topics Conference (April 19-21)

2012                After-Hours Laundry Room Dancing: Female Labor and the Creation of Israeli Folk Dance

                        UCLA: Thinking Gender Graduate Student Conference (February 3)

2012                Batsheva: Re-writing Discourses of Violence?

                        UC Riverside: Dance Under Construction Graduate Student Conference (April 13-14)



2017                Peer Reviewer: Women and Performance

2017                Diversity Task Force Member: Kennesaw State University, College of the Arts

2017               Learning Communities Faculty Scholars Course Completion: University College, Kennesaw State University (June 2017)

2016-17       Department Faculty Council, Secretary: Kennesaw State University, Department of Dance

2016                Panel Moderator: CORD/SDHS Conference, Pomona College (November 2016)

2015                Conference Proceedings Editorial Assistant: CORD/SDHS Joint Conference 2015 at Athens, Greece (September – October 2015)

2015                Panel Moderator: Dance Under Construction Graduate Student Conference, UC Riverside (April 2012)

2013                Assistant to the Program Committee: CORD/SDHS Joint Conference 2013 at Riverside, CA (June – November 2013)

2012                Abstract Review Committee Member: Dance Under Construction / CORD Special Topics at UCLA (December 2012)

2011-12       Conference Co-Chair: Dance Under Construction Graduate Student Conference (October 2011-April 2012)



2013                Graduate Student Research Assistant – Archival Research for Book Project

                          Dr. Anthea Kraut, UC Riverside (June – July 2013)

2013                Graduate Student Research Assistant – Lecture Material Preparation

                          Dr. Jens Richard Giersdorf, UC Riverside (March-June 2013)

2010-11       Research Assistant for NEA Masterpieces Grant

                         Dance Department, Marymount Manhattan College (May 2010-May 2011)




Spanish (Intermediate)

Modern Hebrew (Basic)