2021. “The Cultural Politics of Practicing Israeli-ness in Gaga,” in Oxford Handbook on Jewishness and Dance in Contemporary Perspective, edited by Naomi Jackson, Rebecca Pappas, and Toni Shapiro-Phim. Oxford University Press.

 2021. “The Economic Politics of Pleasure,” in The Bloomsbury Handbook of Dance and Philosophy, edited by Rebecca L. Farinas and Julie C. Van Camp. Bloomsbury Academic.

2019. “Mr. Gaga: Embodying the Exceptionalism of Ohad Naharin.” International Journal of Screendance. 10. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18061/ijsd.v10i0.6525

 2019 . “Gaga as Metatechnique: Neoliberal Forces on Improvisation Approaches and Aesthetics.” Energetic forces as aesthetic interventions, edited by Sabine Huschka. Transcript Verlag.

2019. “Freedom to Compete: Neoliberal Contradictions in Gaga Intensives,” in Oxford Handbook of Dance and Competition, edited by Sherril Dodds. Oxford University Press. 928-958.

2018. Book Review - "Honest Bodies: revolutionary modernism in the dances of Anna Sokolow." Studies in Theatre and Performance

2017. “Gaga as Metatechnique: Negotiating Choreography, Improvisation, and Technique in a Neoliberal Dance Market.Dance Research Journal. 49(2): 26-43.

2017. “Moving in Solidarity: Thinking Through the Physicality of Recent Protests.”  The Dancer-Citizen. Issue 4, Spring 2017. Co-authored with Natalie Zervou.

2016. “Abstractions of Whiteness in Downtown Los Angeles: Ate9’s Kelev Lavan.TDR/The Drama Review. 60(3): 171-7.

2016. “Boycotting Bodies: The Politics of Practice and Performance.” Congress on Research in Dance Conference Proceedings. 315-322.